Todd Vaughn Files Lawsuit Against David Brock Smith in District One.

Republican Unity Caucus President, Ben Edtl, has released the Following Statement in Response to Todd Vaughn’s Election Day Lawsuit filed against David Brock Smith for Repeatedly Violating ORS 260.532: Circulating False Statements of Material Fact, with Reckless Disregard.

Port Orford, Ore. – Friends of Todd Vaughn PAC filed a lawsuit in Curry County demanding appointed Senator, David Brock Smith, pay damages, make equitable relief and pay attorney’s fees for repeated campaign violations of ORS 260.532.

The ORS states it is a violation of Oregon law to disseminate false statements about candidates in circulars (mailers) with knowledge or with reckless disregard for whether the circular contains false statements of material fact relating to any candidate. Three recent circulars (mailers), sent by David Brock Smith, violate ORS 260.532.

Download the full complaint, evidencing the false statements made by David Brock Smith that violate the law and circulated by his campaign here.

Ben Edtl, President of the Republican Unity Caucus, has issued the following statement:

“David Brock Smith sent cease-and-desist letters to me, RUCPAC, Todd Vaughn and others to try and silence us from telling voters the TRUTH about David Brock Smith’s legislative record and financial influence. No lawsuit was filed against me, RUCPAC or Todd Vaughn by David Brock Smith because David Brock Smith knows we are telling the truth about his voting record and ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

Yet, David Brock Smith has since spent more than $100,000 circulating printed mailers that make false statements, of material fact, about Republican Senate Candidate Todd Vaughn. David Brock Smith knows these statements are false. I stand behind Todd Vaughn for holding David Brock Smith Accountable to tell the truth. Our caucus will continue to fearlessly expose the massive political corruption in both parties. I have no doubt that David Brock Smith will be found guilty by court of law. And I pledge to ensure that every member of this cabal of corruption pays the ultimate political price for their selfish and greedy destruction of our once great state. Together, unified for a government that serves the People, we’ve taken strong steps today in setting the course for statewide recovery.”



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